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What to Know about UCC Liens before Going Solar


在过去的几年里,弗吉尼亚州的住宅太阳能发电急剧增加. 对于希望节省能源费用的房主来说,太阳能电池板是一个很有吸引力的升级产品, help the environment, 或两个, 但许多人不知道,安装太阳能电池板可能会对他们的财产造成留置权. 有兴趣安装太阳能电池板的房主应该在这样做之前确保与房地产律师交谈.

好处 of Solar Panels

Solar panels can help homeowners save money. Improvements in panel technology combined with new federal, 状态, 当地的税收优惠使得安装太阳能电池板成为一个有趣的提议. 安装太阳能电池板的房主可以在电池板的使用寿命内节省超过2万美元. +, utilizing solar power helps the environment, 因为太阳能是弗吉尼亚州实现其减少碳排放的近期目标最具成本效益的能源. For these reasons, now is a good time to install solar panels.

UCC Liens on Leased Solar Panels

While solar panels are beneficial, they can also be expensive. Many homeowners choose to lease their solar panels. When leasing solar panels, homeowners purchase their panels over time. 然而, before signing on the dotted line, 房主应该意识到,租赁太阳能电池板可能需要UCC留置权.

The Uniform Commercial Code, 或UCC, 是否所有50个州都采用了一套为商业交易提供框架的法律. UCC留置权是一种担保权益,债权人可以使用它来保证他们对债务人财产的权益. A UCC lien is enforceable for five (5) years, 如果在此期间未全部付清,留置权可以继续.

§8.弗吉尼亚州法典9A-512为债权人提供了两种关于如何提交太阳能电池板UCC留置权的选择. 当向国家公司委员会提交UCC-1融资报表时,可以创建UCC留置权. This 状态ment is a form that identifies the creditor and debtor, describes the collateral involved, and indicates the amount of the debt secured by the lien. Alternatively, a UCC lien can be created by a fixture filing. 固定装置是物理上固定或连接到您的房屋或财产的任何财产. 例如,吊扇是固定在房子上的,是一种固定装置. Solar panels are usually similarly affixed to roofs, and they are considered as fixtures under Virginia law. A fixture filing is similar to a UCC-1 financing 状态ment, 但它也包括一个附录,存档并记录在不动产记录中.

Effects of a UCC Lien on Solar Panels

UCC融资报表是决定租赁太阳能电池板的房主的一种常见融资形式. When a solar company leases panels to a homeowner, the company wants to ensure their investment is secure. 这样做的一个常见方法是提交UCC-1融资报表或固定文件,以创建UCC留置权.

After the UCC-1 状态ment or fixture filing is properly completed and filed, the creditor solar company has a legal claim on the panels. In the event of a default by the homeowner, 债权人太阳能公司可以根据财务报表取出太阳能电池板并收回其所有权. 最典型, UCC-1文件声明中的附属品是面板本身以及与其安装和操作相关的任何硬件. 然而,你可以把其他财产作为你的面板的抵押品. If that were the case, 那么太阳能公司就可以在技术上占有UCC-1上列出的任何抵押品. 因此, 房主应该考虑与律师合作,在提交UCC-1声明之前对其进行审查,以确保他们不会承担超出预期的风险.

Effects of a UCC Lien on Your Property

UCC留置权是公共记录,有可能给房主带来问题. UCC留置权将出现在国家公司委员会网站上创建的所有权报告中. A lien on solar panels will show up as “attached to real e状态” because, 如上所述, solar panels are considered fixtures. 因此,对太阳能板的留置权可能会表现为对整个财产的留置权.

UCC对产权报告的留置权可能会引起潜在购房者和卖家的担忧,因为留置权可能会使房屋销售复杂化. For one, a UCC lien can simply create delays. When a lien is found on a title report, 参与房屋销售的双方可能都必须进行额外的尽职调查. Further, a UCC lien could create the appearance of a cloud on the title. 在现实中, a UCC-1 financing 状态ment will not affect the ownership of a home, but only the property listed on the 状态ment. 然而, 不熟悉太阳能电池板融资的贷款人或进行产权搜索的人可能无法理解其中的区别. 这可能会导致房地产交易过程中的问题和需要澄清.

Terminating a UCC Lien

当剩余的留置权被清偿后,UCC留置权不会自动从财产上解除. 在§8.9A-513 of the Virginia Code, once the amount owed by the debtor is paid to the creditor, 债务人必须向债权人发出经认证的请求书以解除留置权. 然后,债权人有20天的时间在提交UCC融资报表的同一办公室提交终止声明, or to send a termination 状态ment to the debtor. If the creditor sends the termination 状态ment to the debtor, 那么债务人必须在提交UCC融资报表的地方自行提交终止. 在实践中, 从债务人请求终止留置权之日起,可能需要几个星期或更长时间才能使留置权实际终止,并使终止在不动产记录中得到充分反映.


整体, UCC留置权是确保弗吉尼亚州太阳能电池板安装融资的重要工具, 因为他们可以为债权人提供宝贵的保护,同时允许没有足够资金购买太阳能电池板的房主能够将其租赁给自己的家. 对安装太阳能电池板感兴趣的房主应该咨询房地产律师,以确保他们能够防止由UCC留置权引起的问题.

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