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2020年立法会议通过的许多新法律反映了去年占据新闻头条的担忧, 比如大麻合法化, mass shootings and gun control. 2021年的会议将, 毫无疑问, 法案是否反映了“黑人的命也是命”运动和新冠肺炎引发的担忧.

Decriminalization of Marijuana

对个人持有一盎司大麻的处罚现在是民事违法,不再是轻罪.  The punishment for 拥有 small amount of marijuana is now a maximum $25 fine, 没有被逮捕, 没有犯罪记录.  过去的罪犯持有类似物品的犯罪记录现在对雇主和学校管理人员保密. (sb 2/ hb 972)


现在,任何商业交易或个人对个人交易的枪支销售都需要进行背景调查.  Background checks at gun shows were previously optional but are now mandatory.  弗吉尼亚州警察局有三天的时间来完成背景调查,然后才能转移枪支. (hb 2, hb 355)

When a person poses a substantial risk of injury to himself or others, 执法人员或联邦检察官可向法院申请紧急命令. The order may restrict or remove firearms from such person and prohibit the purchasing, 拥有, 或者运输枪支.  The person will have 24 hours to turn over firearms voluntarily.  任何人将枪支转让给他认识的有逮捕令的人或有重大风险命令的人都犯了4级重罪. (HB 674) 

受永久保护令约束的人不得管有枪支,但在收到保护令后24小时内,不得将该枪支出售或转让给不受限制的人. (HB 1004)

非持牌枪械经销商不得在30天内购买一支以上的手枪. (HB 812) 

枪支丢失或被盗必须在发现后48小时内向当地执法机构或州警察局报告. (HB 9) 

The penalty for anyone recklessly leaving a loaded, 无担保的枪支,其方式危及14岁以下人的生命或肢体,已从第3级增加到第1级轻罪,可处以最高2美元的罚款,500 and up to 12 months in jail. (HB 1083) 

Localities may prohibit the 占有 or carrying of firearms, 弹药, or components or any combination thereof in any building used for governmental purposes, 任何公园, any recreation or community center, 或者任何公共街道, 人行道或路权. (HB 421) 

增税:香烟 & 烟草制品

From 30 cents to 60 cents per pack, the tax on cigarettes just doubled. There are also new, higher rates for liquid nicotine products. (HB 1120) 


A gun safe or vault with a sales price of $1,500 or less is now exempt from the retail sales and use tax. (SB 268) 


现在,犯罪的青少年在服刑20年后有资格获得假释. (HB 35) 


The name of sex trafficking assessments is changed to human trafficking assessments.  As recommended by the VA State Crime Commission, 地方社会现金网官网部门现在可以在没有父母在场和同意的情况下采访被指控的儿童受害者或其兄弟姐妹, 《现金网官网》, 或者学校官员.  (HB 1006) 


Localities may prohibit discrimination in housing, 就业, 公共设施, 信贷, and education on the basis of sexual orientation and 性别认同. (HB 696) 

雇主必须为与怀孕有关的人员的已知限制提供合理的便利, childbirth or related medical conditions. (hb 827/ sb 712) 


性别, 残疾, 性别认同, 性取向被添加到受害者类别中他们故意选择了涉及攻击的仇恨犯罪, 电池, or trespass for the purpose of damaging another’s property results in a higher penalty.  该法案还要求将此类犯罪报告给弗吉尼亚州警察局有关仇恨犯罪的信息中央存储库. (hb 618/ sb 179) 

Driver’s License Suspensions

不支付某些罚款或费用将不再导致吊销VA驾驶执照. (hb 1996/ sb 1) 


No person shall be subject to arrest or prosecution for the unlawful purchase, 占有, or consumption of alcohol or controlled substance, 公共中毒, 或拥有受管制的随身物品,如果他为自己寻求或获得紧急医疗照顾, if he is experiencing an overdose, or seeks help for another if such person is experiencing an overdose. (SB 667) 


取消了在结婚记录、离婚和离婚报告中报告种族的要求. (hb 180/ sb 62/ sb 1066) 


基于个人资金来源的歧视被列入非法歧视性住房做法的清单.  该法案将“资金来源”定义为向租房者或购房者或代表其合法提供资金的任何来源,包括任何援助, 好处, 或者补贴项目, whether governmental or private. (HB 6) 


The minimum wage increases from the federally mandated $7.每小时25美元到9美元.50 per hour effective May 1, 2021.  Additional increases include $11.00 per hour effective January 1, 2022, $12.00 per hour effective January 1, 2023, $13.50 per hour effective January 1, 2025, and $15.00 per hour effective January 1, 2026.  1月1日开始, 2027年及以后, the annual minimum wage shall be adjusted by the Consumer Price Index. 


The photo identification requirement is repealed.  Additional forms of identification are accepted.  A signed statement in lieu of a required form of identification is accepted. (hb 19/ sb 65) 

在选举日投票结束后,但在选举后第三天中午之前,并在选举日期当日或之前盖上邮戳的有投票权的人所投的缺席选票,应计算在内. (hb 238/ sb 455) 


金融机构对拒绝办理业务的,必须在五个工作日内向当地社会现金网官网部门或成人保护现金网官网热线报告, 事务的延迟, 或拒绝支付资金基于善意的信念,这种支付或交易可能涉及财务剥削的成年人. (SB 391) 


禁止驾驶机动车时手持个人通讯设备. (hb 874/ sb 160) 

州和地方执法机构被授权在学校交叉区域和高速公路工作区域内或周围操作照相速度监控设备. (HB 1442) 

肇事者使用自行车道超车或以粗心或分心的方式驾驶机动车辆,并对易受伤害的道路使用者(如行人)造成严重身体伤害的直接原因, 骑自行车, 使用轮椅的人, 滑板, 溜冰鞋, or scooter) is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor(similar to reckless driving). (SB 437)

Reckless driving for speed is increased from 80 mph to 85 mph. (hb 885/ sb 63) 

Repeal of Same-sex Marriages Prohibition

Statutory prohibitions on same-sex marriages and civil unions are repealed. 根据美国最高法院在奥贝格费尔诉奥贝格费尔案中的判决,这些法规不再有效. 霍奇斯(2015年6月). (hb 1490/ sb 17) 


1月15日, 2020年ERA, 提出的美国宪法修正案,旨在保证所有美国公民不分性别享有平等的法律权利, was ratified by both the VA House and Senate making it the 38th and pivotal state to do so.  由于达到所需州数的最后期限(6月30日)已经过了很长时间, 1982), and the five states’ revocations, this may or may not have any legal bearing on eventual adoption.  It’s now ripe for legal debate and further clarification by the courts. 

This is a partial list of new laws. 咨询律师或进一步研究影响你个人的法律是很重要的. 

凯瑟琳Byler is a 现金网官网 and 现金网官网 attorney focusing her practice in the areas of real estate, 业务, 监护, 以及遗产规划事宜.

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